In a recent survey nearly 70 % of hispanics living in the U. S. would vote for Obama over any republican candidate, while nearly 60 % disapprove of the current deportation policy of illegal immigrants. Hence, the president is still their best hope for change. Most recognize the disastrous effects on their culture if a Republican wins the election.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Arizona Backtracks on Immigration
It appears that the results of Arizona's SB 1070 anti-immigration law has had a sobering effect on the citizens of that state. Yesterday, the architect of the law was thrown out by voters in favor of a reform advocate.
Senator Russell Pearce (AZ-18), was soundly defeated by pro-immigrant challenger, Jerry Lewis, in a special election. Pearce authored the viciously anti-immigrant law in Arizona that was passed last year, and has since been duplicated in states across the country.Read more:
Pearce’s defeat is a warning bell to other lawmakers considering such legislation that citizens will not stand for these racial and discriminatory measures.
Our allies on the ground, Promise Arizona in Action fought relentlessly in this effort. Executive Director Petra Falcon said the organization will continue to hold politicians accountable: “This victory shows that the citizens of Arizona want fair immigration reform and will not stand for any law that racially profiles any segment of the community,” Falcon said. “It is now time for our community to move forward together, inclusively.”
illegal immigrants,
immigration reform,
nueva ley de inmigracion
Monday, November 7, 2011
Washington State Now Using Inmates to Pick Apples
Washington apple growers have been unable to find enough migrant workers to pick their crops inspite of a wide-spread campagn to recruit pickers. This is a side effect of the anti-immigration movement nation wide since nearly 400,000 undocumented workers are being deported annually.
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Photo: The Wenatchee World
State apple growers sounded an alarm in recent weeks of a severe shortage of pickers. Signs were put up at orchards. Ads were taken out on radio. Newspapers and TV stations reported the story of the shortage after Gov. Chris Gregoire put out a call for help. Many unemployed workers did apply for jobs, but few stayed.
So again, we find evidence that undocumented immigrants are not taking jobs away from "normal citizens". American citizens just don't want to do this kind of work, even if they are out of a job. And with 9 percent of us officially unemployed, that's a lot of people unwilling to take such a job."It's hard work," she said. There are seven guards to make sure the inmate workers stay on the job until it's done, but it's an expensive proposition for the grower, Wilis admits. McDougall will pay $22 an hour for each inmate. Inmates are paid minimum wage, but deductions for crime compensation, incarceration costs, child support and other bills reduces that to between $1 and $2 an hour. Most of what growers are charged pays for transportation, housing and security. Most inmates picked three or four 800-pound bins of apples in that first day.
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Friday, October 28, 2011
Colbert Report on Alabama Immigrant Farm Workers New Law
Stephen Colbert was roundly criticized by politicos last year for his tongue-in-cheek congressional testimony on the plight of illegal farm workers, but now he's getting to revel in his own prescience.
After spending a day working on an upstate New York farm as part of the Take Our Jobs project, Colbert testified about his experiences before congress, sarcastically lamenting the backbreaking nature of the work due to most soil being at ground level. The stunt was an attempt to shed light on the country's benefiting off of the labor of the very people it maligns as a scourge on our resources, but it was a point not well-taken by many of the assembled.
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Sunday, October 16, 2011
What Does Assimilation Look Like - In Iowa
For a look at assimilation of immigrants in the US, we need go no further than the heartland - small town rural Iowa where the first bilingual classes in the state began, where initial fears gave way to acceptance, where businesses are now thriving rather than folding.
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For a look at assimilation of immigrants in the US, we need go no further than the heartland - small town rural Iowa where the first bilingual classes in the state began, where initial fears gave way to acceptance, where businesses are now thriving rather than folding.
HARD WORKDowntown West Liberty, Iowa, is quintessentially Midwestern American, both quaint and historic, with brick buildings lining brick streets. A typical stroll involves walking past the bank, a renovated theater, a hair salon, restaurants and stores.West Liberty Mayor Chad Thomas says that unlike a lot of other small Midwestern towns that are dying, West Liberty is alive."I see a lot of businesses that are open, and not vacant storefronts," Thomas says. "Probably half of the businesses are Hispanic-owned."Next to Paul Revere's Pizza on 3rd Street is Tienda La Luna, and next to the American Legion Hall is the popular Acapulco Mexican Bakery.Now at 3,700 people and counting, the eastern Iowa town is growing and thriving, Thomas says."If you didn't have the Hispanic population here in town, yeah, we would be much more like a lot of smaller towns, and there would be a lot more storefronts that are empty," he says.And unlike other parts of the Midwest that are attracting Latino immigrants, the Hispanic population in West Liberty is not new."I mean, we're very unique in that there's folks in this community, in the Hispanic community, that are here in their fifth and sixth generation," Thomas says.In the 2000 census, West Liberty was already well over 40 percent Latino, and has been steadily growing for decades.The first big surge in Latino immigrants arrived in the 1930s for jobs in what was then a Louis Rich turkey processing plant.That plant, now called West Liberty Foods, is still a draw for some newcomers. But most of the recent increase in the Hispanic population comes from growing, established families who came for the Louis Rich jobs, stayed and planted roots in this quiet, safe and friendly small town.
INITIAL FEARSJose Zacarias is among them. The 56-year-old moved to West Liberty from Mexico in 1984, working first in the turkey processing plant, a job he said was dirty, grueling and dangerous. By learning English, he was able to get better factory jobs. They were farther away, but Zacarias continued living in West Liberty.He bought a big old farmhouse on the outskirts of West Liberty 20 years ago and raised three boys there. He called it and the two acres around him "a quiet piece of heaven" — until the new high school was built nearby a few years ago.
School with a WAITING LISTHe considers many Anglos among his closest friends, and says the white and Hispanic communities in West Liberty get along well. But he says it wasn't always this way."When I arrived here in '84, they told me that such and such businessman wouldn't allow it, like for instance, the bar owners, wouldn't allow Mexican customers there, or they despise them openly, or things like that," Zacarias says.But Zacarias and others in West Liberty say such conflicts gradually faded away, especially as Hispanics became more economically integrated into the community, and as the schools better integrated the community's children.
INTEGRATIONStudents take all of their classes in both Spanish and English, switching from an English-language teacher in the morning to a Spanish-language teacher in the afternoon.West Liberty Elementary School principal Nancy Gardner says the program is voluntary, with half of the spots reserved for kids who speak English primarily at home, and half for those who speak Spanish.
"And in the end, all the students then become bilingual, biliterate and bicultural," Gardner says.The dual language program is now in its 14th year, and last spring graduated its first high school senior class of students who started as kindergartners.The program is so successful, several Anglo families have moved to West Liberty from nearby Iowa City, Muscatine and other towns specifically to enroll their kids. The program, which now has a waiting list, is being duplicated in a handful of other Iowa school districts with growing Hispanic populations.
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Saturday, October 15, 2011
Washington State Leads effort on Comprehensive Immigration Reform
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The mayor of Seattle, Washington sent the following letter to Wash State Senator Patty Murry urging support for compassionate immigration reform.
WA State Leads on Immigration Reform
Washington State has seen an extraordinary amount of public support of comprehensive immigration reform from various government officials and esteemed members of the Asian Pacific Islander community.1. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell sent letters to President Obama stressing the importance and urgency of passing comprehensive immigration reform, making Washington State the first to have both Senators commit to pushing for reform.
2. The Seattle City Council voted unanimously to pass Resolution 31193 supporting comprehensive immigration reform. This resolution reiterates Washington State’s commitment to fully integrate immigrants into the community in a meaningful way.
3. Members of the Washington State Legislature signed a letter directed to Senators Murray and Cantwell urging them to ask Senator Shumer to introduce a bill for comprehensive immigration reform as soon as possible.
4. King County Executive Dow Constantine wrote letters to both Senators Murray and Cantwell urging both to work toward a comprehensive immigration reform bill in the Senate.
5. Members of the Asian Pacific Islander Coalition also sent a letter to Senators Murray and Cantwell stressing the importance of comprehensive immigration reform to the Asian American communities in Washington State.6. Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn wrote letters to Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell as well.
March 17, 2010
Dear Senator Murray:
Seattle has always been a city of immigrants. Immigration has been a driving force of economic growth throughout our history, and immigrants still play a key role in our economy today. With nearly 30 percent of all Seattle children in immigrant families and more than 100,000 foreign-born residents, Seattle’s history and growth have become even more strongly tied to immigration.
The impact of a failed immigration system is felt across Seattle, by immigrant families, service providers, businesses, city agencies and other entities. Over the years, the City of Seattle has adopted policies that promote the inclusion of immigrants, resolutions that call for comprehensive immigration reform, and ordinances ensuring that city employees and police do not ask about immigration status. But local action is not enough to fully address the many issues facing our immigrant communities.
That is why I write to you today to ask Congress to finally pass comprehensive immigration reform as soon as possible. Seattle needs immigration reform that:
- Provides a path toward earned legalization and citizenship
- Reforms visa programs to eliminate backlogs, keep families together, protect workers’ rights and ensure that future immigration is regulated and controlled
- Enables immigrants to pursue higher education
- Protects immigrants from employment abuse by enforcing immigration and labor laws and eliminating exploitation of immigrant workers
- Prioritizes immigrant integration into our communities and country
- Respects the due-process rights of all in the United States
- Provides local governments with financial and technical assistance to deliver social services, health care, education, language services and civic integration
Read more from this source: — and the State of Washington — will be stronger when our nation tackles the tough issue of reforming our broken immigration system. I urge you to continue the leadership you have already shown on this issue and to work for introduction of a comprehensive immigration reform bill in the Senate this March.
Friday, October 14, 2011
The Pitfalls of the California Dream Act.
Photo from
What are the negative ramifications of the newly passed Dream Act of California, which promises a few illegal immigrants a small break in tuition costs at the state's higher education facilities? Like most legislation, in order to get passed it usually ends up being done in piecemeal fashion - a step at a time. People usually are not ready for broad changes. They come to accept it only by bits and pieces. In order to have the anticipated goals achieved, the most acceptable facets, i.e. those parts which are the least politically damaging, get passed first, followed by corrections, amendments, adjustments, and expansions. This piece of legislation is no exception as Esther Cepeda points out the shortfalls in the Janesville Gazette.
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What are the negative ramifications of the newly passed Dream Act of California, which promises a few illegal immigrants a small break in tuition costs at the state's higher education facilities? Like most legislation, in order to get passed it usually ends up being done in piecemeal fashion - a step at a time. People usually are not ready for broad changes. They come to accept it only by bits and pieces. In order to have the anticipated goals achieved, the most acceptable facets, i.e. those parts which are the least politically damaging, get passed first, followed by corrections, amendments, adjustments, and expansions. This piece of legislation is no exception as Esther Cepeda points out the shortfalls in the Janesville Gazette.
CHICAGO — Just hours after Gov. Jerry Brown signed the California Dream Act, which will allow illegal immigrant students to be eligible for state-funded financial aid at public universities and community colleges, celebratory email began circulating..... though this new development will surely cause more ire to be directed toward California's illegal immigrants. The legislation is terribly misleading to many constituencies, especially to the newly eligible students themselves.
The text of a news release on the governor's website said the law "allows top students who are on the path to citizenship to apply for college financial aid."
First, it does not confer citizenship. Given that there is little chance that either comprehensive immigration reform or piecemeal legislation such as the federal DREAM Act will be passed anytime soon -- such bills have been routinely shot down for 10 years and the current rage over immigration won't wane until long after the economy gets on track -- the "on the path to citizenship" bit is a tremendous overstatement. But it's one that certain interest groups want to hear because it pretends there is a national political momentum behind such moves.
The part about "top students" is a reach as well. California is extremely liberal with student tuition assistance and, even in the case of the so-called "competitive awards," students with grade point averages as low as 2.0 -- a "C" -- can qualify for money that never has to be paid back. It was probably included to make Californians feel better about the new beneficiaries of their tax dollars.
The truth is that such grants usually make a tiny dent in the costs of attending college. Even if a student goes to a community college, there is often a huge shortfall between the Cal Grant awards and the full cost of tuition, fees, books and living or transportation expenses so as to require student loans. And illegal immigrants aren't eligible for any kind of federal student aid.Obviously, this is a work in progress as many steps remain in order to make this a really workable solution.
But the costs are not the biggest point of contention -- truly resourceful students usually find ways to pay for college, and California estimates that only about 1 percent of all Cal Grant funds could potentially go to undocumented students.
Consider the stark realities of the situation. The bill was sold to Californians as a benefit to the state's pained tax base, and indeed, most states know what projected revenues can be assumed for every newly minted college graduate. In Illinois, it is estimated that within six years of a student enrolling in a community college, his or her income tax payments will grow by 70 percent compared to 7 percent for a low-income taxpayer who does not attend community college. Even students who don't graduate show major increases in income tax payments.
But illegal immigrants -- even those with hard-earned college degrees -- cannot legally work in California, or anywhere else, in this country.
It is nothing short of tragic that the very people who push in-state tuition or financial aid opportunities for illegal immigrants never mention the fact that unless a wide-ranging federal amnesty program is put into place, there are no career paths for these students.
No one ever talks about the untold number who made their way through college and are now older than 35, the cutoff stated in the version of the DREAM Act that was introduced in Congress last year. But they, like other undocumented college grads who can't access legitimate jobs in their chosen field of study, are out there, just scraping by.
And does anyone really want more graduates to join the ranks of desperate jobseekers? The September unemployment numbers said the national unemployment rate stands at 9.1 percent, while California's rate is a painful 12.1 percent.
The California Dream Act isn't careful planning designed to give a boost to the state's illegal immigrants or benefit the general population -- and referendum papers to overturn the new law have already been filed. It is the mirror opposite of tactics other states are using to diminish illegal immigrant populations: feel-good legislation that only scores political points for politicians seeking re-election.
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Senate Apologizes To Immigrants (from China) for Discrimination
Anti immigration laws are not new. But we don't seem to learn from the past.
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Senate has approved a resolution apologizing for the nation's past discriminatory laws that targeted Chinese immigrants, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.
The resolution, passed Thursday night by unanimous consent, "cannot undo the hurt caused by past discrimination against Chinese immigrants, but it is important that we acknowledge the wrongs that were committed many years ago," said Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., the lead sponsor.
A similar resolution, sponsored by Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., the first Chinese-American woman elected to Congress, is pending in the House. It is backed by members of both parties.
For Chu, the effort to get Congress to acknowledge the discrimination is personal; her grandfather faced the hostile laws.
"He decided to make something of his life anyway. He opened up a small Chinese restaurant in Watts, and worked day and night, and he was finally able to make ends meet," Chu said Friday. "The thousands of Chinese-Americans around this country with similar family histories will celebrate the passage of the Senate resolution."
The Chinese Exclusion Act effectively halted Chinese immigration for a decade and denied U.S. citizenship to Chinese immigrants in the country. The law was repealed in 1943 after China became a U.S. ally in World War II.
But Chu said that Congress has never apologized for the injustice.
Brown took up the issue after hearing about how another Massachusetts senator, from the 19th century, led the fight against the discriminatory laws, an aide said.
Congress has issued apologies before.
In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed legislation providing $1.25 billion, or $20,000 each, in reparations and a formal apology for Japanese-Americans interned during World War II. No reparations are offered in the measures apologizing for discrimination against Chinese immigrants.
In 2008, the House issued an apology to African-Americans "on behalf of the people of the United States, for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow." The Senate passed a similar resolution a year later.
In California, the Legislature in 2009 passed a resolution apologizing for the state's discrimination against Chinese immigrants.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., a co-sponsor of the U.S. Senate resolution, said Friday she hopes the resolution will serve to "enlighten those who may not be aware of this regrettable chapter in our history and bring closure to the families whose loved ones live through this difficult time."
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New Alabama Anti Immigration Law
What is happening in Alabama?
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Dream Act,
illegal immigrants,
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ley en Alabama,
nueva ley de inmigracion,
Tea Party
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Alabama's Attorney General makes claims about "Illegal Aliens"
Alabama Attorney General, Luther Strange, testifying before Congress. Photo by lutherstrange.
Excerpts from the Immigration Impact by Wendy Sefsaf
Oct 12, 2011
CLAIM: Yesterday, Alabama’s Attorney General claimed that “illegal aliens” make up a substantial portion of the state’s prison population.
FACT: Alabama's prison population: 31,000 -- 182 of which are currently subject to deportation based on holds placed by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. That is about 1/2 of one percent.
CLAIM: Yesterday, Alabama’s Attorney General claimed “many of these people are taking jobs away from United States citizens."
FACT: Alabamas unemployment rate hovers around 10%. To say that one undocumented worker fired is one documented worker hired might be politically expedient, but the research actually shows just the opposite. Undocumented workers tend to have different skills, education, and experience levels than native-born workers. In fact, if a 1 to 1 worker replacement was the answer, why is the Governor considering using the prison population to alleviate a severe worker shortage on Alabama farms? Where are all those unemployed Americans waiting to work in the fields?
CLAIM: The Alabama’s Attorney General claims there are "difficulties in collecting taxes from these persons ["illegal aliens"], many of whom work off the books, means that many of them are utilizing Alabama’s public resources without paying their fair share.”
FACT: According to the Institute on Tax and Economic Policy, undocumented immigrants in Alabama pay $25 million in income taxes, $5.8 million in property taxes, and $98 million in sales taxes, for a total contribution of more than $130 million.
The actual costs to Alabama’s economy have yet to be determined, and no real estimates have been provided by the lawmakers behind HB56. It has always been the case that estimating the costs and contributions of unauthorized immigrants is not an exact science. But Alabama is about to make it a bit easier. No longer will losing your undocumented population be an abstract proposition. In Alabama it’s about to be a reality, and with it the economic ramifications of a mass exodus of workers, consumers, and taxpayers from an already struggling state economy.
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illegal immigrants,
Immigration law,
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California Dream Act: Some Immigrants going to college may receive aid
Some immigrants in California may now qualify for regular in-state tuition to further their education even if they don't have legal documents. But they have to prove that they are on a path to becoming legal residents. The cost is estimated at 1% of the grant money available to all student residents in California. These immigrant students must also go to the "end of the line."
This amounts to approx 1% of available funds.
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California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill that will help illegal immigrants qualify for Cal Grants and other state financial aid.
AB 131 was written by Assemblyman Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles, and joins Cedillo's AB130 to complete the California Dream Act.
"Going to college is a dream that promises intellectual excitement and creative thinking," Brown said in a statement. "The Dream Act benefits us all by giving top students a chance to improve their lives and the lives of all of us."
Under current state law, illegal immigrants can pay in-state tuition rates provided that they graduated from a California high school and can prove they're on the path to becoming legal residents of the United States. AB 130, which Brown signed in July, opened up private scholarship and loan money for higher education, regardless of immigration status.
The more contentious AB 131 allows illegal immigrants to apply for California-taxpayer-funded financial aid. It requires recipients to meet the same requirements as all applicants, but they may only receive aid after all other legal residents have received their state financial aid. The California Department of Finance estimates that 2,500 students will qualify for Cal Grants as a result of AB 131, at a cost of $14.5 million. The overall Cal Grant program is funded at $1.4 billion, according to Brown's press office.
This amounts to approx 1% of available funds.
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Alabama vs. Arizona - Which law is worse for immigrants?
Now in a contest to see which state can drive the hispanics out the quickest, Alabama is winning. See who is leaving and why. Are they all illegals, or undocumented ( sin papeles )? Are they working hard or are they lazy? Will this open up new jobs for unemployed citizens - putting Americans back to work? What is the effect on our economy? on individuals caught up in the histeria?
Pedro and his wife, both of whom are undocumented immigrants, decided to put all their belongings in the car and leave with their son for Arizona. Even with its SB 1070 immigration law, they expect Arizona to treat them better than Alabama under its law HB 56.
In a housing complex full of small homes in the city of Florence, two hours from Birmingham, relatives and friends said goodbye to Pedro and his family as they packed and checked the brakes of their car in preparation for the long ride.
Pedro, a construction worker from the state of Guerrero, Mexico, lived in Alabama for seven years. "If it weren't for the law, I'd stay here, but I have a brother there (in Arizona) who says that everything's okay now and there are plenty of jobs," he said.
Life in Alabama is impossible, he told me, and he wasn't confident that the attempts to block the law through the courts would succeed. And even if it did, the immigrant community faces too hostile an environment here to stay, he added.
"You can't drive anywhere; you can't go out because all it takes is seeing a policeman to scare you", Pedro said.
This strategy of wearing down the immigrant community through draconian laws like HB 56 -attrition through enforcement-- is exactly the point for those who have written and endorsed these laws.
Pedro's story echoed those we heard from other immigrants gathered at his house. Some wonder if they should follow his path out of the state or weather the storm here and see if anything changes.
The mosaic of situations reflects how HB 56 has affected everyone, with and without documents alike.
Some undocumented immigrants have native-born U.S. citizen children. Some have undocumented children, some of whom were brought to Alabama as babies. That describes Lizbeth, Pedro's niece, a 19-year-old "Dreamer" (a student who would be eligible for the DREAM Act) who was brought here when she was 2 months old. She married an undocumented young man, and had a baby. Some couples are mixed-status as well--such as Katie, a young woman who was born in Alabama, and her partner, Freddy, an undocumented immigrant who came to the U.S. at the age of eleven. They have three children--all of them native-born citizens--and another on the way. And so on.
The person who'd arrived most recently of those we talked to had been in Alabama for five years. Others have been here for ten, eleven, thirteen, sixteen, twenty. Some are renters; some own their own homes. Everyone has a job: in hotels, cleaning offices and stores, in food processing plants, in the fields doing farm labor, in construction.
But for those without documents HB 56 turns driving to work into Russian roulette. "You're playing it every time, but you have to go to work because it's your responsibility to do it. For my wife and my baby girl, because Pampers don't buy themselves," said Lizbeth's husband, who works in a sawmill.
"Every morning, I have to leave thinking that I've left my sleeping child, and this could be the last time I get to see her," he said
Pedro's sister embodies many immigrants' fear of doing basic tasks, like buying food or going to the doctor. "Yesterday made about four weeks since I last went to the store. My children are eating only corn flakes and fruit because I'm afraid to go out. The day before yesterday the children came down with a bad case of the flu, but I couldn't take them to see the pediatrician, because I'm afraid to go out," she said.
Lizbeth said that "if it's my turn to get taken away, well, it's my turn." "I work all day cleaning stores with my mother. I drive her. I leave my daughter with my aunt, and all I can think of is that if they arrest me, and if I can't come back to see her, it would break my heart. This law is tearing a lot of families apart. We're not here to hurt anyone. We need help to get rid of this law because it's not doing anything good for Alabama, it's hurting the economy," she added.
Katie, the Alabama native, believes that the law is racist. If immigrants are working, "let them work and take care of their families, don't close the door on them." She had a message for the politicians who support the law: "You're so awful! Hispanics are helping out a lot here in Alabama." "And I have a message for Obama. Please, help Hispanics. They helped you."
Lizbeth's husband said that "if the governor says he signed the law to open up jobs for Americans who could do the work immigrants have been doing, why has the economy started slumping so quickly? We're seeing a labor shortage all over the place and no one is coming out to shop in stores because everyone's leaving."
He works at the mill from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m., for $7.25 an hour. "I can't tell you how many Hispanics have lost fingers or hands. I also worked as a roofer, on houses that were sometimes 2, 3 stories. It's dangerous work, and in the summer, when the shingles are hot, it's very hard. If Americans can do the jobs that we've done, how come nobody's showing up to take the jobs we've left in the chicken farms and the fields?" he asked.
Journalist Gabriel Thompson wrote the book Working in the Shadows: A Year of Doing The Jobs (Most) Americans Won't Do, in which he recounts his experiences doing the harsh labor immigrants take on for little money and under precarious conditions.Read more from this source: The Huffington Post
Thompson worked in a chicken processing plant in Russellville, Alabama, near Florence. In a recent article for ColorLines on HB 56 and how immigration had benefited Russellville, he wrote that "When I relocated to Russellville in 2008, I found that, as a citizen, it was exceedingly easy to 'steal' a job back...As I soon learned, the hard part wasn't getting the job; the hard part was keeping the job. During a single shift I could be asked to tear apart more than 7,000 chicken breasts by hand or carry and dump 30 tons of meat onto an assembly line."
Thompson wrote that immigration had helped Russellville in various ways, including stimulating the economy as consumers and business owners. The same can be said for other parts of the state.
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Immigration law,
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nueva ley de inmigracion,
Monday, October 10, 2011
Becoming Legal: An Immigrant's Path to Citizenship
A short course on immigration in the USA:
1. Anti-immigrant sentiment is nothing new nor limited to our current affairs or just the U.S.: all over the world immigrants are shunned and the outside ethnic group is always seen as inferior. Just a few which come to mind: Shiite and Sunni, Japanese and Chinese, Kurds and Turks, Slavs and Croats, Romanians in Spain ( the Spanish gov. recently was offering them money to go back to Romania, if they promised to stay there for 5 yrs ! ), Catholic Irish vs. English Protestants, the Algerians in France etc. In the US we have historically found groups that were easy to discriminate against: Native Americans, Italians, Germans, Irish, Chinese, Japanese, Africans, and now Latinos.
5. Seeing the above pattern repeat itself several times in our lives, we now are much more skeptical of accepting the initial demagoguery.
1. Anti-immigrant sentiment is nothing new nor limited to our current affairs or just the U.S.: all over the world immigrants are shunned and the outside ethnic group is always seen as inferior. Just a few which come to mind: Shiite and Sunni, Japanese and Chinese, Kurds and Turks, Slavs and Croats, Romanians in Spain ( the Spanish gov. recently was offering them money to go back to Romania, if they promised to stay there for 5 yrs ! ), Catholic Irish vs. English Protestants, the Algerians in France etc. In the US we have historically found groups that were easy to discriminate against: Native Americans, Italians, Germans, Irish, Chinese, Japanese, Africans, and now Latinos.
2. There is always an element of "otherness" commonly based on religion or skin color or language in the "outside" group.
3. Those in a position of influence ( talk show hosts, politicians, religious leaders, and in some cases even teachers) tend to take sides. Those who exacerbate the dislike of the scapegoat, usually focus on the "otherness" and try to foment fear of the unknown. Most people naturally have certain fears of that which is outside their comfort zone, their realm of familiarity. So, this is an easy way to persuade the populace of the demons in "those people." We hear terms like "the axis of evil," and "They are either for us, or against us." or "They are taking away our jobs." This is a common one in our current financially stressful world.
4. With the passage of time, at least in the US, our "social mind-set" or popular image softens toward many of our formerly disliked groups. Think of the changes we have seen in attitudes in our lifetime toward, say, African Americans, Japanese, and the Vietnamese. These changes come slowly, with influence makers and moms in sneakers speaking out.
6. Based on our own experiences and observations, we have found the hispanics we have met here in the US and Latin America, mostly genuine, generous, hard-working people, who are trying to make the best of their lives. The newly emigrated are leaving poverty, violence and corruption, looking for a new beginning, a second chance. When we recently read in an internet forum a comment from a woman who described herself as a conservative, born again Christian who thought that all Mexicans should be deported, what came to mind was that the essence of both Christianity and immigration is a second chance, a new beginning, an opportunity to start fresh. She obviously saw life differently from us.
7. Attempts to force immigrants out of our communities have repeatedly proven unworkable. The resulting economic impact is disastrous to those on both sides of the tracks. The citizen farmers and small business owners find themselves without customers and workers. The immigrants, both legal and illegal, have their lives and families thrown into chaos. For some, this may be the goal. For us, it is unfathomable.
8. So, indeed, we would favor changing our laws to provide a path to citizenship. Perhaps fines may be a part of the equation, but few will be able to pay them. If it is found that back taxes are owed, certainly employers would be required to pay their portions, along with penalties and interest. We think that it will be nearly impossible to find small business employers who have relied in the past on undocumented workers, now willing to step up and pay these back taxes, fines and interest. Hence, "making up for the past" is a difficult part of the solution. Criminal records should be examined and not allowed for violent crimes. Service to the country (USA) in the form of work in the Peace Corps, Americorps etc would be a good thing. Basic English proficiency should be required, as well as knowledge of our governmental system. We see this not as amnesty. Rather it represents a means of earning a way into our system. In the early days of our country, many people earned their way in - as indentured servants. When they could not pay for their passage across the ocean, they "borrowed" the money from a landowner already living in this country, then worked for that owner for five to seven years without pay. Hence, working to achieve legal status and citizenship in the US is nothing new.7. Attempts to force immigrants out of our communities have repeatedly proven unworkable. The resulting economic impact is disastrous to those on both sides of the tracks. The citizen farmers and small business owners find themselves without customers and workers. The immigrants, both legal and illegal, have their lives and families thrown into chaos. For some, this may be the goal. For us, it is unfathomable.
detention center,
Dream Act,
Geo Group,
immigration reform,
nueva ley de inmigracion,
Peace Corps,
Friday, October 7, 2011
Anti-Latino Racism Slams CNN National News Desk Editor
Nick Valencia is a national news desk editor and former head of the CNN Spanish Desk. He's a third-generation American citizen recently confronted by racist comments coming from a hate filled woman in Georgia:
Atlanta (CNN) -- "Go home!" she yelled at me. "Why don't you go back home to Mexico before you ruin this country like you ruined your own!"See more at: source
I was standing in a crowd at the Music Midtown festival in Atlanta, where I live. A few minutes earlier I'd met a group of five people who'd been standing in front of me -- here from Mexico City -- and I had begun speaking Spanish with them.
Atlanta has a growing Latino community, and I am actively involved. Whenever I get the chance to speak to someone in Spanish here, I introduce myself. My new acquaintances and I were talking about what a great time we were having and how remarkable the city of Atlanta was for bringing back the festival to Piedmont Park.
And that's when I heard the yelling woman next to me. As if "go home" wasn't clear enough, the woman -- a 20-something Caucasian -- repeated the words in Spanish.
I froze. I didn't quite know what to say, and I didn't want to believe she was talking to me or the group of people I had just met.
As a third-generation Mexican-American growing up in Los Angeles, I had never encountered such overt racism. In fact, because my family was long since assimilated, among my Latino friends I was always considered the "pocho" or "white boy" of the group. (As I write this, a part of me knows somewhere in L.A., a friend of mine will be proud to know someone actually considered me Mexican enough to yell "go home" at me.)
Nick Valencia
My Mexican friends remind me that I am American first, Mexican second and that my English is better than my Spanish.
"Yes," I tell them. "But I can never walk into a room and be white."
Evidently, to some the brown color of my skin means I'm not even American. My friends and family tell me what I experienced that night is a microcosm of what is happening to Latinos across the country. You don't have to look hard to find it. In news stories, in political discourse, on talk radio, in everyday conversation it seems it has become OK to treat Latinos in a negative and antagonistic way -- whether they are new immigrants or longtime Americans. The anti-immigration legislation sweeping across the United States has made this plain. People in my Latino networks say they've noticed the change. And now I understand what they mean.
Like many Americans whose grandparents or parents came here from somewhere else, I live at the intersection of my two cultures. I eat tacos, but I love cheeseburgers. I go salsa dancing, and listen to rock n' roll. I speak Spanish and English, and depending on the crowd, sometimes Spanglish. I love my country and my cultural community. My duality is my reality, just like the 50 million other Latinos in the United States.
I have been luckier than many. Before this incident, the closest I'd ever come to blatant racism was in junior high. I was in the jazz band and played first trumpet. One day our jazz band teacher invited in his predecessor, a local legend who had made Eagle Rock High School's jazz program famous in the 1980s.
The visiting instructor pointed me out and asked me to play him 16 bars of music. I did, but he quickly interrupted.
"Stop, stop, stop. I don't want to hear any of that mariachi music. This is jazz."
I didn't think anything of it. Instead I felt terrible that the legend standing in front of me didn't think I was good enough. I went home that night, and like every night, at 6:30 p.m. my family sat down for dinner to talk about our day.
"How was your day, Nicky?" my dad asked.
So I told him. Outraged, the next day he went to my principal and filed a formal complaint. The legend didn't come back to visit the jazz program again. Weeks later we received a letter in the mail from him apologizing for his insensitive comments. My family saved the letter.
My father was hypersensitive to ethnic identity and deeply proud of his Latino heritage. The son of a naturalized immigrant from El Salvador and a Mexican mother from Texas, he grew up in Los Angeles during a time of racial tension. When I was young he would tell me stories of the race riots in his high school, violence against people of color, and awful accounts of the struggle he had to make it as a Mexican-American teen in the 1960s.
He died when I was 17 years old, but one of the phrases he implanted in my mind before he passed was a statement activist Cesar Chavez made famous:
"Si se puede" -- "Yes you can."
And now, here I was, at 28, with this stranger yelling at me to "leave." I stood there in the middle of a damp crowd on a late Atlanta evening, not comprehending, the wind still and the vibrations of Coldplay's "Yellow" filling the space in the air.
I didn't say a thing.
I didn't have to.
The crowd around us looked in amazement at this woman. Some of them spoke up to her, telling her she was wrong to talk to us like that. The group of people from Mexico City looked at her in disgust and, realizing from the look on my face that I must not be accustomed to what I was hearing, they turned toward me to offer support.
One of them, a young man, grabbed my hand and raised it high in the air.
"Estamos aqui," he said, which translates to "We are here."
It was the "Si se puede" moment.
The woman continued to taunt us for some minutes, but when we did not reciprocate her hatred, she stopped.
The band played a few more songs before ending the set, and the crowd dispersed across the park into the Saturday evening.
As I walked away, the woman and I locked eyes.
"I don't think you understand who you said that to," I told her. Thinking to myself, I am as American as you are.
"What," she said laughing. "Are you some kind of celebrity or something?"
No. But like the Mexicans I was standing with, I am a human being. And I am home.
illegal immigrants,
Immigration law,
ley en Alabama,
nueva ley de inmigracion,
Tea Party
Repeal of New Immigration Law in Alabama
State Senator Beasley from Alabama has introduced legislation to repeal the newly enacted laws against illegal immigrants. He claims most representatives did not understand the negative effects that the law would have on citizens of Alabama.
MONTGOMERY -- Alabama Sen. Billy Beasley has filed a bill to repeal Alabama's sweeping immigration law, saying it is causing severe workforce shortages and problems in state courthouses and schools.Read more from this source:
"The people in the agriculture community are not happy with it because they can't get workers. The folks in the courthouses are not happy with it. The folks in the school business are not happy with it," said the Democrat from Clayton.
Beasley said three other Democrats have signed on as co-sponsors of the proposed repeal, and he hopes more legislators will support the measure.
"I think there is a large contingent of folks who didn't realize what it was going to do," Beasley said.
However, Sen. Scott Beason, who sponsored the immigration law in the Senate, said he will fight attempts to undo or weaken the law.
"I can't imagine that anyone would want to repeal the bill," said Beason, R-Gardendale.
Beasley voted against the bill when it was before Alabama lawmakers. He said the new law has caused a "world of fear" for people in the Hispanic community.
"It's kind of a mean-spirited law," Beasley said.
Beasley said the law has caused workforce shortages in many industries, as legal and illegal immigrants leave the state. He said it also is causing long lines at courthouse and is putting an unfunded mandate on county jails to hold suspected illegal immigrants.
The Clayton senator said he also was doubtful the law would open up jobs for Alabamians because many people don't want the labor-intensive jobs the immigrants are performing.
But Beason said he believes the law is working.
"It's doing what it is supposed to be doing overall," Beason said.
He said the immigration law appeared to be moving an illegal workforce out of the state, and an adjustment period is to be expected. He pointed out the law has been in effect only six days.
He said he believes getting rid of illegal workers will create jobs for Alabamians. "Apparently a lot of people were working an illegal workforce," Beason said.
detention center,
Dream Act,
illegal immigrants,
Immigration law,
immigration reform,
ley en Alabama,
nueva ley de inmigracion,
Sunday, October 2, 2011
New Alabama Law: Crops rot in the field
Nueva ley de inmigración de Alabama. Es el más severa de los EEUU. Los partidarios dicen que la norma debe producir más trabajo para los ciudadanos mientras que las voces criticas aseguran que saca los derechos civiles. Pero la cosecha se pudre en los campos y los agricultores no pueden encontrar trabajadores suficientes para cosechar, porque la mayoría de los trabajadores - legales y sin papeles - han salido los trabajos y han huido. Tambien, los administradores de cárceles se preocupan que no tienen espacio ni capacidad para detener más personas.
New immigration law in Alabama. It's the most severe in the US. Supporters say that the rule should produce more work for citizens while critics claim that it robs some of civil rights. But food is rotting in the fields and farmers are unable to find sufficient workers to harvest their crops, since most of the workers have left their jobs and departed from the area. Jail administrators are also concerned since they don't have the capacity to hold detainees.
New immigration law in Alabama. It's the most severe in the US. Supporters say that the rule should produce more work for citizens while critics claim that it robs some of civil rights. But food is rotting in the fields and farmers are unable to find sufficient workers to harvest their crops, since most of the workers have left their jobs and departed from the area. Jail administrators are also concerned since they don't have the capacity to hold detainees.
illegal immigrants,
immigration reform,
nueva ley de inmigracion,
sin papel,
Friday, September 30, 2011
Where to Start: Working Toward Cooperation
Many of you readers may be wondering "What can I do to start moving in the direction of cooperation and support with immigrants in my community? " Here is an organization that can help you get started. It works with grassroots efforts do build community relations across ethnic lines throughout the US. Oakley, California is just one such town that has decided to take a step in this direction.
The Story of Welcoming from Active Voice on Vimeo.
The Story of Welcoming from Active Voice on Vimeo.
illegal immigrants,
immigration reform,
nueva ley de inmigracion,
Thursday, September 22, 2011
What Have We Learned About Immigration? Is it time for Comprehensive Reform?
Recently, a friend asked us what we really thought about immigration. With some reflection, we put our thoughts together in the following reply:
A few years ago we began trying to educate ourselves on the issue, visiting our local immigration prison, which is owned and operated by a private corporation, the GEO Group. We were bothered by the idea of people making a profit from rounding up and incarcerating others. This seemed to us like something that should only be done by the government, if it had to be done at all. We had a vague idea that somehow the profit motive likely would creep into the mix in a way that was not good. Some investigation turned up that the GEO Group and the Corrections Corporation of America, both privately owned corporations, were spending mega bucks lobbying to get anti-immigration laws passed in several states including Arizona, Utah and Alabama and So. Carolina. Why would they do this? Because they want to fill their rooms at close to $200 per nite, just like any good business. With more stringent laws against immigrants, more customers would come. Of course, they couldn't come out and say this. What we have seen is an increase in messages about immigrants taking our jobs, not paying taxes, depleting social services, adding to our crime rates etc.
So, we started reading more on the issue, spent some time working with a local Latino service organization, took workshops, and finally started this blog last May with the idea of looking at the problem from several points of view.
Through all of this we have drawn some conclusions:
1. Anti-immigrant sentiment is nothing new nor limited to our current affairs or just the U.S.: all over the world immigrants are shunned and the outside ethnic group is always seen as inferior. Just a few which come to mind: Shiite and Sunni, Japanese and Chinese, Kurds and Turks, Slavs and Croats, Romanians in Spain ( the Spanish gov. recently was offering them money to go back to Romania, if they promised to stay there for 5 yrs ! ), Catholic Irish vs. English Protestants, the Algerians in France etc. In the US we have historically found groups that were easy to discriminate against: Native Americans, Italians, Germans, Irish, Chinese, Japanese, Africans, and now Latinos.
2. There is always an element of "otherness" commonly based on religion or skin color or language in the "outside" group.
3. Those in a position of influence ( talk show hosts, politicians, religious leaders, and in some cases even teachers) tend to take sides. Those who exacerbate the dislike of the scapegoat, usually focus on the "otherness" and try to foment fear of the unknown. Most people naturally have certain fears of that which is outside their comfort zone, their realm of familiarity. So, this is an easy way to persuade the populace of the demons in "those people." We hear terms like "the axis of evil," and "They are either for us, or against us." or "They are taking away our jobs." This is a common one in our current financially stressful world.
4. With the passage of time, at least in the US, our "social mind-set" or popular image softens toward many of our formerly disliked groups. Think of the changes we have seen in attitudes in our lifetime toward, say, African Americans, Japanese, and the Vietnamese. These changes come slowly, with influence makers and moms in sneakers speaking out.
5. Seeing the above pattern repeat itself several times in our lives, we now are much more skeptical of accepting the initial demagoguery.
6. Based on our own experiences and observations, we have found the Mexicans we have met here in the US and Mexico, mostly genuine, generous, hard-working people, who are trying to make the best of their lives. The newly emigrated are leaving poverty, violence and corruption, looking for a new beginning, a second chance. When we recently read in an internet forum a comment from a woman who described herself as a conservative, born again Christian who thought that all Mexicans should be deported, what came to mind was that the essence of both Christianity and immigration is a second chance, a new beginning, an opportunity to start fresh. She obviously saw life differently from us.
7. Attempts to force immigrants out of our communities has proven repeatedly unworkable. The resulting economic impact is disastrous to those who pass such legislation. The immigrants, both legal and illegal, have their lives and families thrown into chaos. For some, this may be the goal. For us, it is unfathomable.
8. So, indeed, we would favor changing our laws to provide a path to citizenship. Perhaps fines may be a part of the equation, but few will be able to pay them. If it is found that back taxes are owed, certainly employers would be required to pay their portions, along with penalties and interest. We think that it will be nearly impossible to find small business employers who have relied in the past on undocumented workers, now willing to step up and pay these back taxes, fines and interest. Hence, "making up for the past" is a difficult part of the solution. Criminal records should be examined and not allowed for violent crimes. Service to the country (USA) in the form of work in the Peace Corps, Americore etc would be a good thing. Basic English proficiency should be required, as well as knowledge of our governmental system. We see this not as amnesty. Rather it represents a means of earning a way into our system. In the early days of our country, many people earned their way in - as indentured servants. When they could not pay for their passage across the ocean, they "borrowed" the money from a landowner already living in this country, then worked for that owner for five to seven years without pay.7. Attempts to force immigrants out of our communities has proven repeatedly unworkable. The resulting economic impact is disastrous to those who pass such legislation. The immigrants, both legal and illegal, have their lives and families thrown into chaos. For some, this may be the goal. For us, it is unfathomable.
(source: )
1630 to 1830
The peak New England settlement occurred from about 1629 to about 1641 when about 20,000 Puritan settlers arrived. In the next 150 years, their descendants largely filled in the New England states and parts of upstate New York.
While the 13 colonies had differences in detail, they had many things in common. Nearly all were settled and financed by privately organized groups of English settlers or families using private free enterprise without any significant English Royal or Parliamentary government support or input.
They nearly all established their own popularly elected governments and courts on as many levels as they could and were nearly all, within a few years, mostly armed, self governing, self supporting and self replicating. This self ruling pattern became so ingrained that almost all new settlements by one or more groups of settlers would have their own government up and running shortly after they settled down for the next 200 years. Nearly all, after a hundred years plus of living together, had learned to tolerate other religions than their own.
Nearly all colonies and later, states in the United States, were settled by migration from another colony or state, as foreign immigration usually only played a minor role after the initial settlements were started. Many new immigrants did end up on the frontiers as that was where the land was usually the cheapest.
Although Spain set up a few forts in Florida, notably San Agustín (present-day Saint Augustine) in 1565, they sent few settlers. Spaniards moving north from Mexico founded the San Juan on the Rio Grande in 1598, and Santa Fe in 1607-1608.
There was relatively little immigration from 1770 to 1830; indeed there was significant outmigration to Canada, including about 75,000 Loyalists as well as Germans and other looking for better farms in what is now Ontario. Nearly all population growth up to 1830 was by internal increase; about 98.5% of the population was native-born. Large scale immigration resumed in the 1830s from Britain, Ireland, Germany and other parts of western Europe.
Between 1831 and 1840, immigration more than quadrupled to a total of 599,000. These included about 207,000 Irish, starting to emigrate in large numbers following Britain's easing of travel restrictions, and about 152,000 Germans, 76,000 British, and 46,000 French, constituting the next largest immigrant groups of the decade.
Between 1841 and 1850, immigration nearly tripled again , totaling 1,713,000 immigrants, including at least 781,000 Irish, 435,000 Germans, 267,000 British and 77,000 French immigrants.
By 1850, this had shifted to about 90% native-born. The first significant Catholic immigration started in the mid 1840s, shifting the population from about 95% Protestant down to about 90% by 1850.
In 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, concluding the Mexican War, extended U.S. citizenship to approximately 60,000 Mexican residents of the New Mexico Territory and 10,000 living in California. An additional approximate 2,500 foreign born California residents also become U.S. citizens.
In 1849, the California Gold Rush brought in over 100,000 would-be miners from the eastern U.S., Latin America, China, Australia, and Europe.
After 1870 steam powered larger and faster ships, with lower fares. Meanwhile farming improvements in southern and eastern Europe created surplus populations that needed to move on. As usual, young people age 15 to 30 predominated among the newcomers. This wave of migration, which constituted the third episode in the history of U.S. immigration, could better be referred to as a flood of immigrants, as nearly 25 million Europeans made the voyage. Italians, Greeks, Hungarians, Poles, and others speaking Slavic languages constituted the bulk of this migration. Included among them were 2.5 to 4 million Jews.Anti Immigration
Their urban destinations, their numbers, and perhaps an antipathy towards foreigners led to the emergence of a second wave of organized xenophobia. By the 1890s, many Americans, particularly from the ranks of the well-off, white, native-born, considered immigration to pose a serious danger to the nation’s health and security. In 1893 a group of them formed the Immigration Restriction League, and it, along with other similarly inclined organizations, began to press Congress for severe curtailment of foreign immigration.
Irish and German Catholic immigration was opposed in the 1850s by the Nativist/Know Nothing movement, originating in New York in 1843 as the American Republican Party. It was empowered by popular fears that the country was being overwhelmed by Catholic immigrants , who were often regarded as hostile to American values and controlled by the Pope in Rome.
Shortly after the U.S. Civil War, some states started to pass their own immigration laws, which prompted the U.S. Supreme Court to rule in 1875 that immigration was a federal responsibility.[26] In 1875, the nation passed its first immigration law, the Page Act of 1875, also known as the Asian Exclusion Act, outlawing the importation of unwilling Chinese women for sex slavery.[27]The Dillingham Commission was instituted by the United States Congress in 1907 to investigate the effects of immigration on the country. The Commission's analysis of American immigration during the previous three decades led it to conclude that the major source of immigration had shifted from northern and western Europeans to southern and eastern Europeans. The 1910s marked the high point of Italian immigration to the United States. Over two million Italians immigrated in those years, with a total of 5.3 million between 1880 and 1920.
About 1.5 million Swedes and Norwegians immigrated to the United States within this period, due to opportunity in America and poverty and religious oppression in united Sweden-Norway.
Over two million Eastern Europeans, mainly Catholics and Jews, immigrated between 1880 and 1924. People of Polish ancestry are the largest Eastern European ancestry group in the United States.
Congress passed a literacy requirement in 1917 to curb the influx of low-skilled immigrants from entering the country.
Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act in 1921, followed by the Immigration Act of 1924, which was aimed at further restricting the Southern and Eastern Europeans who had begun to enter the country in large numbers beginning in the 1890s. In 1924 quotas were set for European immigrants so that no more than 2% of the 1890 immigrant stocks were allowed into America.
Restriction proceeded piecemeal over the course of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but immediately after the end of World War I (1914-1918) and into the early 1920s, Congress did change the nation’s basic policy about immigration. The National Origins Formula of 1921 (and its final form in 1924) not only restricted the number of immigrants who might enter the United States but also assigned slots according to quotas based on national origins. A complicated piece of legislation, it essentially gave preference to immigrants from northern and western Europe, severely limited the numbers from eastern and southern Europe, and declared all potential immigrants from Asia to be unworthy of entry into the United States.
The legislation excluded the Western Hemisphere from the quota system, and the 1920s ushered in the penultimate era in U.S. immigration history. Immigrants could and did move quite freely from Mexico, the Caribbean (including Jamaica, Barbados, and Haiti), and other parts of Central and South America. This era, which reflected the application of the 1924 legislation, lasted until 1965.
In 1952, the McCarran Walter Immigration Act affirmed the national-origins quota system of 1924 and limited total annual immigration to one-sixth of one percent of the population of the continental United States in 1920, or 175,455. The act exempted spouses and children of U.S. citizens and people born in the Western Hemisphere from the quota.
In 1954, Operation Wetback forced the return of thousands of illegal immigrants to Mexico. [4]. Between 1944 and 1954, "the decade of the wetback," the number of illegal immigrants coming from Mexico increased by 6,000 percent. It is estimated that, in 1954, before Operation Wetback got under way, more than a million workers had crossed the Rio Grande illegally.
It is difficult to estimate the number of illegal immigrants that left due to the operation—most voluntarily. The INS claimed as many as 1,300,000, though the number officially apprehended did not come anywhere near this total. The program was ultimately abandoned due to questions surrounding the ethics of its implementation. Citizens of Mexican descent complained of police stopping all "Mexican looking" people and utilizing extreme “police-state” methods including deportation of American-born children who by law were citizens.[40]
In 1986, the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) was passed, creating, for the first time, penalties for employers who hired illegal immigrants. IRCA, as proposed in Congress, was projected to give amnesty to about 1,000,000 workers in the country illegally. In practice, amnesty for about 3,000,000 immigrants already in the United States was granted. Most were from Mexico. Legal Mexican immigrant family numbers were 2,198,000 in 1980, 4,289,000 in 1990 (includes IRCA) and 7,841,000 in 2000.
(Source: Immigration Policy Center:
Fuzzy Math: The Anti-Immigration Arguments of NumbersUSA Don't Add Up |
- According to the World Resources Institute, the United States is home to 23% fewer people than the European nations of the EU-15, yet produced 70% more greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, as of 2000.
- Environmental degradation is caused by a host of factors unrelated to population size, such as the degree to which a society depends upon polluting and non-renewable fossil fuels; utilizes pollution-reduction technologies; develops systems of mass transit to minimize individual automobile use; uses plastics and other non-biodegradable materials in manufacturing and packaging consumer goods; recycles potentially recyclable materials; and controls agricultural run-off into waterways.
- A few people can pollute a lot, or a lot of people can pollute a little, depending on the systems of production and consumption within a society. The problem is less about how many people are in the United States, and more about how the United States produces and consumes.
Immigrants Don’t “Steal” Jobs
- NumbersUSA argues that immigration imposes a financial burden on U.S. taxpayers because most immigrants earn relatively low wages and therefore don’t pay enough in taxes to cover the cost of the public benefits and services they receive.
- This argument is based on a narrow and misleading fiscal snapshot of how much the health and educational services utilized by immigrants and their children—even those born in the United States—“cost” in comparison to the taxes they pay at a single point in time. In reality, the income levels and tax contributions of immigrants tend to increase over time, and all children are “costly” when they are still in school and not yet working, tax-paying adults. A more accurate fiscal analysis would estimate how much immigrants and their children pay in taxes and utilize in public services over their lifetimes.
- Even a lifetime fiscal accounting does not capture the many other economic contributions that workers—both immigrant and native-born—make through their consumer purchasing power and formation of new businesses, both of which increase the nation’s economic output, create jobs, and provide federal, state, and local governments with additional revenue through sales, income, business, and property taxes.
- Because it ignores the many economic contributions that workers make over their lifetimes, the one-year fiscal snapshot favored by NumbersUSA would also incorrectly portray the more than 32 million native-born Americans who live below the federal poverty line, as well as nearly all native-born retirees, as a net “burden” on U.S. taxpayers.
- NumbersUSA portrays immigrant workers as little more than job competition for native-born workers. In truth, most immigrants are not competing with most natives for the same jobs.
- Immigrants tend to have either very little education or a great deal of education, while most natives fall somewhere in the middle of the educational spectrum, which means they are filling different niches in the labor force. As a result, immigrants usually complement the native-born workforce—which increases the productivity, and therefore the wages, of natives.
- A 2006 study by economist Giovanni Peri of the University of California-Davis found that, between 1990 and 2004, the roughly 90% of native-born workers with at least a high-school diploma experienced wage gains because of immigration that ranged from 0.7% to 3.4%, depending on their level of education.
- A May 2009 report by Rob Paral & Associates demonstrates that, even in the midst of the current economic recession, there is no correlation between the presence of immigrants in the labor market of a particular locale and the unemployment rate among native-born whites, blacks, Latinos, or Asians.
- The reliance of the U.S. economy upon immigrant workers is unlikely to diminish in the coming decades given the seriousness of the “aging” crisis precipitated by the impending retirement of the Baby Boom generation.
- A 2008 report by demographer Dowell Myers of the University of Southern California estimates that the ratio of seniors (age 65 and older) to working-age adults (25 to 64) will increase by 67 percent between 2010 and 2030. Immigrants, who tend to be younger than natives, will be increasingly important as workers, taxpayers, and homebuyers.
Taxes and State Services
. 1. I have a friend who is an employer, currently looking to hire someone.
2. If he hires someone “above board,” paying all taxes, it will cost him $ 15 per hour after collecting the taxes from the employee, adding the employer's portion of the taxes and sending them to the government. ( This is the only legal way to do it.)
3. If he hires a legal citizen “under the table” without sending any taxes to the government, he might get the same work done for $ 11 per hour. For various reasons many citizens prefer this.
4. If he hires an illegal immigrant he might get the work done for $ 8 per hour.
5. What then is the value of the work? Those who argue that illegals are “stealing our jobs” would have to say that the value is $15 per hour since that is what they see as the loss to their income. The government would agree.
6. In a quid pro quo equation there are two parts: the worker gives an hour of time; the employer gives $15.
7. BUT when an illegal gives his hour of time and the employer only gives up $8, who is shorting the system (State of Calif., for instance) causing the state to go bankrupt? It's not the immigrant and his kids who are draining the system dry.
Now, if all the farmers, business owners and homeowners who have hired someone to do their gardening would just pay back all the money they have pocketed by paying immigrants below the prevailing wages, plus interest and penalties, the state system would be solvent. The real moral question is, "Who has stolen the money from the state?"
8. For a good book that illustrates this concept of thinking deeper, asking the right questions, look at the #1 best seller Freakonomics by Levitt and Dubner.
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Dream Act,
Geo Group,
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